The sun gradually rises and the moon gradually becomes full. The knowledge and experience we have gained in these four years at university have made us gradually more mature. We will move step by step towards a broader road and fly towards a more vast future. Just as radient as the sun and as beautiful as the moon, we will embrace our bright future.
過去臺灣少有以「印記」為主的陶瓷展,故無形文化資產技藝保存者林瑞華,委託財團法人拓展文教基金會提出「臺灣印記特展」計畫,將以臺灣土生土長的陶瓷,有專屬「印記」的臺灣缸甕為主角,擬從南投陶、台中大甲東陶、新竹陶、苗栗陶、鶯歌陶,挑選出具有代表性的「印記」60件和印記工具10件展出,以深入淺出的「印記」角度切入,讓民眾對「Made in Taiwan」留下鮮明的深刻印象。
Few pottery and porcelain exhibitions focusing on "imprint" were held in Taiwan in the past. Lin Rui-hua, the preserver of intangible cultural assets and skills, commissioned the Foundation for Cultural and Educational Development to propose the plan of Taiwan Imprint Exhibition, which will feature Taiwan native pottery - Taiwan jars with unique "imprints". 60 representative pottery works and 10 tools with "imprints" from Nantou, East Dajia of Taichung, Hsinchu, Miaoli and Yingge will be selected for the exhibition to leave a distinctive impression on the public on "Made in Taiwan" from the perspective of "imprints" in a simple and understandable way.
During the solar term of Grain Rain this year, JOWO Market is about to welcome its third market event in 2025. This event will gather nearly 200 brands, and market stalls will occupy almost the entire 5.6 hectares of outdoor space in the Cultural Heritage Park of the Ministry of Culture. Participate in the most Taiwanese style music festival - Taiwan Folksong Festival, a nostalgic, innovative and healing market feast, and the most unmissable event this spring.
永續的0,是從零開始的出發點,也是歸零的賽末點。在這條邁向淨零(Race to Zero)路徑上,0是在這整個過程中,持續我們生活與文化靈感的指引。本展覽以文化舞台、產業後台與資訊平台的四個觀展區域,打造出一場充滿好靈感/好零感的展覽場所。以「永續的0」為線索,探看維繫我們地球生命、我們文化資產的創意存續方式。
Sustainable Zero is the starting point from the very beginning, and also the match point. On the Race to Zero, Zero is the guiding force that keeps inspiring our lives and cultures throughout the entire process. This exhibition features four areas of cultural stage, industrial backstage and information platform to create an exhibition venue full of inspiration/sense of zero. With Sustainable Zero as a clue, the exhibition explores the creative ways of sustaining the life and cultural assets on our planet.
Discover the charm of cultural heritage and experience the ultimate in creativity - Welcome to A+ Cultural Heritage Creative Award!
The competition for “2025 A+ Cultural Heritage Creative Award” encourages college students and members of the community to actively participate in this great cultural event! Participants in this competition will use their creativity to design works with the theme of cultural heritage. This year, the organizer of the competition will invite and collect outstanding creative works in seven categories (Cultural heritage visual communication design, Cultural heritage product design and craft, Cultural heritage space design, Cultural heritage fashion design, Cultural heritage digital media, Cultural heritage sustainable design and Cultural heritage cross-field integration), which will provide an excellent stage for nurturing new talents and enhance the connection between cultural heritage creativity and the industrial circle.
The winning and shortlisted works will be exhibited at the Cultural Heritage Park from May 28(Westday) to June 1 (Sunday). A wide range of activities will be held during the exhibition, including the opening and awarding ceremony on May 29 (Thureday), talks with Masters, and lively markets and performances. (Please refer to the official website or the page for fans for detailed schedule of the activity)
We sincerely invite you and your family members to visit this cultural and creative feast! We believe that you will find your own path in the sea of cultural heritage. Let's sail together towards a brighter future!
This exhibition introduces the achievements of Culture Routes of Taiwan under the five themes of hydrological characteristics, sugar industry, coal mining industry, diverse ethnic groups, and forestry. As a result, we can have a more diversified and three-dimensional vision and imagination of Taiwan culture. Culture Routes of Taiwan emphasize on conveying the systemic meaning of culture from a narrative perspective, and leads people to explore the core value of cultural assets, i.e. the stories constructed by 'human beings'. Embarking on the Cultural Routes of Taiwan, leading us to a journey of time.
這是一場關於 22 種傳統技藝、114 位準藝師如何誕生的展覽。走進展間,你將沈浸在準藝師們的動畫世界中,不只透過靜態的文字閱讀,還能彷彿身歷其境般地一邊品味藝術、一邊被藝師們平凡中見不凡的成長故事所感動,在他們流動的身段與技藝中得到啟發,進而想像自己閃閃發光的未來.....
This is an exhibition on the birth of 22 traditional crafts and 114 aspiring artists. Visiting the exhibition room, you will immerse yourself in the animation world of aspiring artists, reading static text, savoring art and being moved by the extraordinary growth stories of artists. Inspired by their flowing figures and skills, you will imagine your own shining future.