「藝遊春風」經典展—十一位藝術家的內在風景 春節過後,萬物甦醒,國璽藝術推出「藝遊春風」經典聯展,策展十一位藝術家以油畫與立體雕塑,呈現內化後的風景創作。他們不僅描繪眼前的自然風光,更在藝術語彙中揉合記憶、情感與思考,勾勒出現實與心靈共鳴的景象。 油彩流動間,春風輕拂;雕塑起伏中,大地律動。本展覽透過多維度的視覺語言,引領觀者走入藝術家心中之境,感受春意不僅存在於外在世界,更在內心深處綻放。 展覽地點|國璽藝術 誠邀您一同在初春之季遊歷藝術,尋覓屬於自己的風景。 Art in Spring Breeze: A Classic Exhibition – The Inner Landscapes of Eleven Artists As the Spring Festival passes and nature awakens, GSA Gallery presents Art in Spring Breeze: A Classic Exhibition. This showcase brings together ten artists who express their inner landscapes through oil painting and sculpture. Beyond capturing the beauty of nature, they weave memory, emotion, and contemplation into their artistic language, creating a dialogue between reality and the soul. With flowing brushstrokes, the spring breeze whispers; through sculptural forms, the earth pulses with rhythm. This exhibition unfolds a multi-dimensional visual experience, inviting viewers to step into the artists’ inner worlds, where art exists not only in the external landscape but also in the depths of the heart. Exhibition Venue | GSA Gallery We warmly invite you to embark on this artistic journey in early spring and discover a landscape of your own.